The story revolves around the marriage and wedding plans of Azar's cousin Dolly and also focuses on the themes of cultural clash and our attitude towards the class system of society. The drama had an ensemble cast consisting of Bushra Ansari, Hina Dilpazeer, Vasay Choudhary, Samina Ahmad, Manzoor Qureshi, Javed Sheikh. It is directed by Marina Khan and Nadeem Beyg and written by Vasay Chaudhry. Directed by Nadeem Baig and Marina Khan, the script was co-written by Bushra Ansari and Vasay Chaudhry. ( ) Annie Ki Ayegi Baraat is a 2012 Pakistani drama serial of the Kis Ki Aayegi Baraat franchise on Geo TV. The series stars Bushra Ansari, Saba Hameed, Javed Sheikh, Samina Ahmed, Natasha Ali and Nabeel Butt, respired their roles from the previous season while Ali Safina and Ayesha Omer joined for this season. Dolly Ki Ayegi Baraat ( Urdu: ڈولی کی آۓ گی بارات) is a Pakistani drama serial and second installment of the Baraat Series, aired on Geo Entertainment in 2010.